Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WGD 232 and 235

WGD 235

I was really hoping that we could use flash to make a neat little navigation bar since the book lesson this week displayed a glimpse of what flash could offer for web design. However, it is not really universally accessible to everyone. Any who, this week's action script  is very neat and cool to see in action. Now when I see something like that in other websites I will automatically know what they used for their site. As y'all used in class I had trouble with the initial launch of my bone tool assignment, but with that time window of having help really was beneficial. However, now my puppet looks like their on some type of drug, lol.

WGD 232

I am truly having a real fun time in this class, I probably have gone crazy with the assignments, doing a little too much then what was asked. So what we learned in this week's class was having different CSS files that were for special occasions, like the print one we have to do this week's assignment. The navigation bar was tricky, but I really enjoyed making me navigation bar. However, it was difficult when I got confused on what would effect what tag. For example, I kept making the mistaking of trying to get rid of the underline and blue of the buttons. Was making the changes to the "li" rather than doing to the "a".  Here is my navigation bar, after many hours of trial and error.


  1. Hi Raven:
    'Many hours of trial and errors' is good! Because you learn from your mistakes, understanding what you did wrong and how to make it right.

    Have you tried to get in to the HTML code for your code? For example, the screenshot you included above, can you get it to a size in the HTML code, to where it fits in the blog window?


  2. In your html, how did apply the size of the image of the pizza. I have yet to resize mine to the specs of my wireframe. The assignment to add a picture I just added the picture I didn't play with the size of it at all. I havn't even played with the coloring of the backgrounds at all yet either. I should probably start messing around with it so when it's time I have a little bit of an understanding.

  3. The proportions of the wireframe placeholder might not be the same as the original image. You would have to edit the pic in Photoshop and make sure height and width are conform your wireframe, then 'save it for web'.

  4. I wish I was taking WGD 232 with you guys...... It looks like you are getting the hang of it. As for creating the interactive navigation, I was trying to find a site that I came across to show everyone that was pretty cool. It was a fitness company that had a horizontal navigation. When you scrolled across each menu it would drop down and show some sort of animation that related to the topic. Someone running, or exercising. Anyways, when I remember it I will put it up.
