Thursday, April 11, 2013

WGD @#@ and @#% (232 and 235)

WGD @#@(232)

Ok, I have finally noticed that coding is a love and hate situation! I love it when it goes right, severely hate it when it goes south. I made the form, but the placeholder text isn't showing up in the text area  don't know what is going on up in there. I tried to align my web pages, but the nav bar and the content on the right won't stay on the same level. The nav bar's text won't align in the center, it will go to the left when coded to align center. If y'all have any solutions that would be much appreciated.

On a side note my friend just recently had her art gallery and found out that she made an online portfolio using Please go check it out. Currently she is looking for work and I don't know if she is selling what she has on the website. I would defiantly buy some of those items.

Her website URL:

PS: if your wondering she didn't code everything, it was mostly preexisting layouts.

WGD @#%(235)

I haven't yet done any scripting, but have made separate documents one having my original(changes and in class as well) and the idea I had in class about just having the fan. The buttons revealing all the content. It is highly likely that I won't be doing the second one, but will at least give it a shot, will probably fail miserably.  


  1. I 100% agree...coding is love/hate haha. I plan on starting the assignment tomorrow...I'm skeptical of how it will turn out haha.

  2. What did you put in your action= for the URL? do you know how we're supposed to be able to submit our forms and check to see if they work?

  3. Hey Dave and Raven:
    Please let me know you received my emails and the forms are working....

    How is the fan site coming?

  4. Hi Raven:
    That fan project was quite impressive, and I can't wait to see the finished project. I will look at the files you sent me tomorrow night.
